Nicholas Tse & Ruby Lin Dream World
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The first time I saw Nicholas was when I was watching one of Ekin Cheng's movie. My cousin was a big fan of Ekin, but I was sort of a fan. Then I notice how cute Nicholas was in the movie. I was also watching The Legendary Siblings at the time. I was downloading the theme song for the series. I found out that Nicholas Tse sang the sub theme for the series, I fell in love with his voice. Since then, I have been a loyal devoted fan to this HK star. When I watched Gen X Cops for the very first time, I thought he did a great job speaking English. I love that movie so much.

The first time I saw Ruby Lin was in the series Princess Huan Chu II.  I havent watch part one, but I thought the movie was very funny.  Rubys character is so sad.  Then I saw her in a lot of Nicholas movie.  I think they make such a cute couple on screen.